Tuesday, March 20, 2012

News letter of March 2012 from Maula Jean-Marie

Dear friends,
Your visit, your love, your prayers and your donations are continuing to impact Haiti. I can’t not stop being grateful to you for joy and hope you are sharing with my people. Please, pray for God’s grace so that I can keep taking His hope to the hopeless and His love to the broken heart. The love of Jesus is beyond any suffering of this world.

The week-end of Feb 17-22, 2012 was a season of holiday for Haiti. It is a time where the people have all kind of sinful pleasure and activities. They call it this time “Mardi Gras” which they call in English “Halloween”. I felt I was led by God to take advantage of this holiday, to make a mission trip at the central part of the country with a group of 13 young people. The goal of this mission was to free, through intercessions and prayers, some beautiful sites that are captives by satanic power. Peligre is one of them. It is a place where they block the water of the biggest Haiti River to provide electricity for Port au Prince and for some other towns. In the past this site generated several US million dollars per month for Haiti.

This River is called “Artibonite”. It is the river that should irrigate a great part of the land of this of the Artibonite Province. It is not used the way it should be used because of the careless attitude of the politicians. This group of young people prayed so that the river can be a channel of blessing for Haiti instead a flooding current.

The next site they visited was a large water fall that comes from a mountain spring. This water could be used for drink and for watering land to grow plants and food. But instead they use it as a place to worship evil spirit.

The team of young people stands in prayer to reclaim back the site to God. They pray also the eyes of the community around the spring can open and see it as a gift of God’s love.

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